Our team is developing a novel solution to the nation's food security crisis. We are an interdisciplinary team of scientists and collaborators combining scientific expertise in economic sociology, business and management, nutrition science, public health, food psychology, food systems, food science, urban and regional planning, geography, and sustainability science, with technical expertise in AI, data science, AI ontologies and geospatial modeling.NOURISH Leadership
Laura Schmidt
PI, UC San Francisco
Food & Nutrition Security
Amarnath Gupta
Co-PI, UC San Diego
AI & Knowledge Management
Hans Taparia
Business Innovation
Paul Watson, Jr.
Co-PI, Global ARC | Poverty & Stakeholder Engagement
Matthew Lange
Co-PI, IC-FOODS | Agriculture & AI Cyberinfrastructure
Tera Fazzino
Food Psychology
Expertise in Ultraprocessed Foods
Keith Pezzoli
Regional Planning & Sustainability
Community Development
Ilya Zaslavsky
Computer Science & Geography
Expertise in Spatial Information Systems
Laurie Jacobs
Poverty & Research Methods
Expertise in Social Research
Subhasis Dasgupta
Knowledge Graphs
Expertise in Data Integration
Leslie Gerstenfeld
Program Manager
Jon Stephens
Knowledge Graphs
Safikureshi Mondal
Data Management
Johnny Lei
Geographic Information Systems
Elaine Chi
Knowledge Graphs, Query Processing
David Padilla
James Roake
Research Assistant
Angelina Lopez
Research and Community Engagement Facilitator
Muna Bashir
Research Assistant
Emily Steliotes
Food Systems Research
Anuj Goenka
Geographic Information Systems
Haley Kawar
Education and Partnerships Facilitator